Healing Powers of Medical Qigong especially for seniors & those challenged with trauma from stroke and cancer. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Ancient Medical Tattooing & Yang Sheng, Nature Art & Music. Blogging about how healthy Yang Sheng lifestyles can help us thrive daily despite overwhelming chronic health issues.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Green Roofs Jacksonville, AIA, Barkitecture & Humane Society
MetroVerde Green Roof adorns Prairie Style LEED Platinum Doghouse constructed by the JSA Architect team (Jacksonville) and placed first in the judging!!!
Another MetroVerde Successful Green/Vegetated Roof!
See www.metroverde.comjavascript:void(0)
MetroVerde Vegetated Roofs Thrive through Tropical Storm Fay!!!
I've been excited about the possibility of filming the effects of a tropical storm or hurricane on a Florida Green Roof and got my wish last week when Fay came rumbling across Jacksonville dumping 15 inches of rainfall in a 24 hour period and buffeting us with 55 MPH winds. The adjacent crepe myrtles, hollies, roses, and trees were torn apart - great method of cleaning Spanish Moss out of trees. With the steady downpour and crisp winds, the green roof plants held their own and even thrived - you should see the spurt of growth they've added....
Check out the video...
see www.metroverde.com
I am sold on the MetroVerde mat process - plants in trays probably would have blown off the sloped roof - or floated out of the trays.... With the mat system the roots embed themselves into the woven fibers.....
Check out the video...
see www.metroverde.com
I am sold on the MetroVerde mat process - plants in trays probably would have blown off the sloped roof - or floated out of the trays.... With the mat system the roots embed themselves into the woven fibers.....
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