Monday, October 18, 2010

Florida Green Roof Hurricane Simulator Testing This Month

MetroVerde assembled a 4' x 10' extensive green roof panel in early 2009 for research at the University of Florida.

The green roof was assembled over an asphalt shingle roof decking.

Allium and other drought tolerant species were planted in the 2" thick engineered soil over a woven PPE  1/2" thick anchoring mat.  Blue spruce sedum was also used however this species did not thrive on the non-irrigated system.

The panel was exposed to full sun in an area with little to zero shade.

Over time the Allium species established good rooting architecture and began to fill out the vegetated roof panel open space.

The roof is now scheduled for Hurricane simulator testing with winds up to 120 MPH - either this week or next week.

We will keep you posted on results.

Happy Green Roofing!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kevin,
    Any chance I could come down to observe?

    Kelly Luckett
