Sunday, December 19, 2010

Green Roofs for Birdhouses, Doghouses and Every Conceivable Roof We Can Find...

Green roofs are found on a wide variety of structures and not just commercial, institutional or residential buildings.

Cedar Roof Decking - Birdhouse Green Roof
Included are several DIY photos of how to put a green roof on a birdhouse and more of a LEED Platinum Doghouse (we won 1st place in AIA Barkitecture competition)!

Birdhouse Green Roof - Double Sided Roofing Tape

First photo is of the birdhouse roof decking.

Green Roof Birdhouse - Membrane Installation

Next photos is the double sided tape allied to the cedar decking.

Third is the waterproofing membrance serving also as a root barrier.

Green Roof Birdhouse - Grow Weave Mat

Fourth is the grow weave mat, then the ridge cap (made from recycled copper flashing) and trim work.

Green ROof Birdhouse - Copper Ridge Cap

Agaves and succulents are added, along with a mixture of drought resilient wildflower seed.

Green Roof Birdhouse - Plants and seed added...

The concept here is exactly the same process we use on large, large green roofs.  This type of system is called an extensive green roof and on the sloped birdhouse roof the soil is stabilized with a natural stabilizer such as agar (you can use flour also if you cannot find agar)...

For other unique holiday gift suggestions - how about a LEED Platinum qualifying doghouse with a green roof!

Green Roof Doghouse

Green Roof Doghouse

This doghouse won the AIA Barkitecture contest!  We used a variety of succulents and perennial peanut.  Rainwater is cleaned through the special roof soil media and then recycled into the stainless steel watering bowl.

Happy Holidays and Happy Green Roofing!



  1. I wish to make a medium size house for my dogs but in my area due to strong winds and rains roofs will damage very soon so i need to make some kind of powerful is there any suggestions?

  2. Hi! My friends and I are trying to build green roofs for bird houses for our Environmental Science class. Do you have any suggestions for plants that would do well in a hot, humid climate? Thank you!
