Healing Powers of Medical Qigong especially for seniors & those challenged with trauma from stroke and cancer. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Ancient Medical Tattooing & Yang Sheng, Nature Art & Music. Blogging about how healthy Yang Sheng lifestyles can help us thrive daily despite overwhelming chronic health issues.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Awesome Video - New York Rooftop Permaculture Gardens
Even though New York is such a huge and urbanized city, the idea of installing rooftop permaculture gardens is a notch up the ladder of brilliant ideas. It's one way of preserving nature amongst the developed city ambiance.
Great Video :D
ReplyDeletethought you might like my machinima film the butterfly's tale~
Bright Blessings
elf ~
Even though New York is such a huge and urbanized city, the idea of installing rooftop permaculture gardens is a notch up the ladder of brilliant ideas. It's one way of preserving nature amongst the developed city ambiance.