Thursday, April 21, 2011

Green Roof System Installed, Ready for Soil Media

Friday is Earth Day and we'll plant the first plant on the Breaking Ground Contracting green roof.  Yesterday Sterling Roofing installed the green roof system.  Today I'll be starting adding soil media and we'll be laying a patterned, anti-slip TPO walkway around the rooftop garden.

Below are a few photos of Jimmy's crew doing the install.  Pictured is the mat, edging and final assembly.

More photos over the next couple days as the green roof grows!

Florida Green Roof MetroVerde Design

Florida Green Roof MetroVerde Design

Florida Green Roof MetroVerde Design

Florida Green Roof MetroVerde Design


  1. What Green Roof Soil are you going to use? RoofLite - ZinCO or CitySoil -

  2. Using a custom soil designed for hurricane prone areas and the arid climate here in Florida. Lots of drainage capability for the times when tropical storms hot, full of beneficial life, lightweight and more! Trying to stay away from materials with high-carbon footprints and synthetic components.
