Sunday, April 22, 2012

Florida Permaculture Plant for Living Walls, Florida Green Roofs and Backyards, Seminole Pumpkin, Cucurbita Moschata

One of my favorite vines this year is the Seminole Pumpkin, Cucurbita moschata
Florida Green Roof and Living Wall plant, Seminole Pumpkin (Permaculture Food)

An adapted garden wonder to Florida, the Caribbean and Latin American, this variety of pumpkin or squash is acclimated to the harsh, humid climate of the region. 
Unripe Seminole Pumpkin, resistant to pests

A fast grower who provides ample shade, Seminole Pumpkin makes a great end of summer living wall and green roof plant.
Florida Living Wall plant, Cucurbita moschata

Thriving on neglect and drought, Cucurbita moschata, is ultra resilient to squash vine borers and other pests.  Here she is used as a cover to our geese pen, providing a wall of privacy, security, shade and food.
Seminole Pumpkin creates a living wall and green roof for the Urban Farm fowl
When thinking of drought tolerant plants for tropical green roofs and living walls, they don't just have to be wildflowers.
Seminole Pumpkin is a heavy food producing plant

 Nature has provided us with some awesome  food plants who will thrive well in the permaculture garden and on the hot roofs and walls.


  1. I actually switched to hand-pollination and managed to get three pumpkins - they look dark green and rounded, just like your pumpkins up there. So where do you get your seeds, Kevin?

  2. Santo - allow your pumpkins to dry on the vine until they are orange. Each will have hundreds of seeds that will easily germinate next year. Bake this pumpkin in the oven. Wonderfully delicious. Grows anywhere - on a roof, compost pile, patio (watch out she rambles!) or in the garden.... Loves sandy soils!

  3. Indeed, Kevin, they are very delicious! My wife and my sister-in-law love them so much. You know, what, Santo? As much as possible, pumpkin seeds should be air dried for a few days and it would be much better if you store them in a cool, dark, dry place until the spring.
