Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Living Roof Survives Tropical Storms and Drought on the Breaking Ground Contracting Rooftop, Jacksonville, Florida

Breaking round Contracting Green Roof, Jacksonville, FL
Visiting the living roof atop Breaking Ground Contracting's office building yesterday for the first time in over ten months, I was pleasantly surprised with the plant growth and appearance.

Catherine Tappouni Burkee works with local students, teaching them about rooftop and urban greening
There is a lot of biomass on the roof!

Rooftop Gardens Sequester Carbon and Promote Biodiversity in the Urban Core
Biomass translates into carbon sequestration, oxygen production and mitigation of Urban Heat Island Effect.

Native wildflowers such as Mimosa, Phyla, Rudbeckia, Gaillardia and Bidens are blooming. Herbs such as lemongrass, mint, rosemary and thyme are growing well.

Green Roof Benefits are Many and Include Stormwater Attenuation, Urban heat Island Mitigation and more!
Breaking Ground Contracting's Rooftop Garden is Irrigated with Rooftop AC Condensate
Native grasses too, compliment the plantings, along the native Yucca filamentosa.

Urban greening is so important for many reasons. Kudos to the Tappouni sisters, Mary, Michelle and Catherine for their efforts in making Jacksonville a greener place to live, work and play!

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