Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Birds and Hemp Cultivation Organic Pest Control

 Guarded greenhouse cultivation of hemp and cannabis is the best way to avoid birds when growing hemp. Yet, the grower might ask, 'why would I want to exclude a great organic pest control partnership from my grow operation?'

We make sure the bluebirds have plenty of nesting boxes ready to use each year.  Bluebirds consume a significant amount of pest insects across the Arendell Hill Nursery.

Birds are practically ubiquitous.  Fences don't prevent their presence, neither does hunting.  Birds always come back to the garden. 

The smart organic hemp farmer understands that though birds will always be around and may present some negative issues (such as potential vectors of disease and damage to crops), they also provide a number of significant benefits, including;

  • good control of caterpillar populations
  • mitigation of excess squirrel numbers
  • reduction in rodent infestations 
  • removal of unwanted seed fall from adjacent landscape plants
  • aphid and bug control
  • cricket and grasshopper management
  • and more
Disadvantages brought on by the birds can include;
  • feces and droppings
  • seeded bud damage
  • broken branches
Because many hemp and cannabis growers prefer to purchase seed from seed supply companies, the issue of seed interference by birds comes down to 'are the birds damaging flowers and buds in search of seeds' or did 'the birds take my seeds'.

One approach many growers take is installing bird feeders at strategic locations around the hemp or cannabis growing areas.  Organic black oil sunflower seed and organic wild bird seed can be placed on trays or in dispensers.  Not only will this strategy attract pest eating birds to the area but also direct the birds away from crops and towards the feeders.

I hang the feeding platform about five feet above ground level on a piece of 1/2 galvanized pipe with a tee at the top hammered into the dirt.  We always have squirrels around Arendell Hill Nursery so our feeders must also be squirrel resistant too.  Audubon type squirrel guards work well.

Hawks and other raptors, while perfect for managing squirrel and rodent numbers, will also hunt the garden's songbirds.  Proper bird feeder placement requires sufficient native plant cover nearby.  

Evergreen natives, such as wax myrtle, Morella cerifera or southern magnolia, Magnolia grandiflora and American holly, Ilex opaca each offer good forage and cover for smaller songbirds.  Either place bird feeders close to the evergreen native shrub or plant a good size native close to the hemp garden's bird feeders.  The tightly shaped limb arrangement on the native shrubs allow songbirds a place to safely perch, away from the much larger raptors.

Raptor perches and owl boxes should also be placed around the garden perimeter to attract hawks and night hunters.  Owls are highly proficient when it comes to thinning gophers, moles and rodents. 

Owls being nocturnal do not usually prey upon songbirds so placing roosting boxes around the hemp garden should not significantly impact wild bird presence.

Next post we will begin discussing the specific types of wild songbirds useful to partner with in an organic pest management approach for hemp and cannabis cultivation.

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