I've been seeing Asian lady beetles, Harmonia axyridis, almost everywhere lately (early February 2022).
Asian Lady Beeetle, Harmonia axyridis, exotic insect and Organic Hemp Cultivation |
Though they do little direct harm to cultivation (they do eat aphids) these exotics can cause serious nuisance issues around plants and especially in buildings. They certainly are not my preference for natural IPM across the hemp farm as they compete with native lady beetles.
Asian Lady Beetles on pepper plants at a local Tallahassee Nursery |
Mostly, I tend to ignore them because they do not rise to the nuisance level of a 'key pest'. Beware though the Asian lady beetles can bite humans and they do leave a yellowish staining, foul smelling excretion when congregating in and around building windows.
Asian Lady Beetles should be monitored however across the hemp farm for potential damage |
All in all, I'd rank them as a low species of concern, one worth notation (I certainly would not want too many of these insects foraging in plant flowers and buds) but not worth immediate worry over, across the hemp farm.
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