Thursday, February 24, 2022

Millipedes, A Beneficial Integrated Pest Management Partner for Florida Hemp Cultivation

 Millipedes are an important #IPM partner for our #hemp cultivation plot. 

These scavengers prefer to eat moist leaves and plant litter.  

They do a marvelous cleanup job here at Arendell Hill, mulching up leaf litter and then fertilizing the soils with plenty of organic droppings.  

Millipedes help control fungal and algal explosions by keeping damp leaf debris accumulation to a minimum amount. These small arthropods are constantly foraging here.  I see them occasionally during the day but at night they are visible (with a UV light) almost everywhere across the ground.

Millipedes have 2 legs per segment side while centipedes have one.

Consider your cultivation area lucky if you are fortunate enough to have a substantial population of these beneficial arthropods.

#millipedes #IPM #beneficialinsects #organic #floridahemp


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