Thursday, August 1, 2019

Just Another FB Rant About One of My Doctors

Dear Doctor: 

I want to extend an offer of help. FYI, you can tell me the same thing in the affirmative or in the negative. No need to predictably revert to the negative when blurting out my condition. You are revealing your insecurities! 

Fear not as I am here to help you. Next time you come in the exam room to speak with an aortic dissection survivor bite your tongue before blurting out 'after looking at your CT scans If I didn't see you sitting here I'd think you were dead or on the operating table!' 

Copy and paste or memorize the following utterance and don't act surprised I'm sitting in front of you with my torn aorta. You may say, 'You are a survivor. Your body is strong and you are on your way to recovery. I'm glad to be on your health management team and here is what I recommend.'

I promise then not to refer to your as Dr. Depression or Dr. PTSD and you may earn my trust. Hey, without me you're resume would not be as experienced with rare diseases.

You can do this. I got your back, Doc. I'm still alive. My aorta is torn, yup, but its like warped plywood - may be separated but still holding strong. And I promise I won't speak anymore of your insecurities.

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